NVC Resources

Temporarily Broken!

These downloads aren’t working right now, and I’m trying to fix it. In the meantime, the same downloads are at my new site, makinglifemorewonderful.com.au

Documents I’ve created

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If you have any problems downloading these, please let me know the error, device and browser if you can, and I’ll email it to you instead.

NVC Pocket Guide

A foldable guide to NVC, with feelings and needs lists, and a brief explanation of OFNR. Instructions for folding it here.

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Workshop Manual

My entire 24 page teaching manual, that I hand out in my workshops. (Print it as a booklet if your printer allows that, so you get two pages on each side of the A4 page).

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Two choices

Diagram showing NVC steps of OFNR, compared to what we usually do!

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Feelings and needs lists

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Learning NVC

I have a new website, and an online course!

1 hour video intro to NVC  has disappeared 🙁 …Try this video instead.

Also, CNVC has a good intro.

If you really want to learn it well, listen to Marshall’s 9-CD set, now available at Sounds True. It even has a 100% money back guarantee if you don’t like it, so you can’t lose 🙂  I’ve listened to it so many times now, and I always get so much new out of it.

Articles by LaShelle Lowe-Chardé – you can sign up for her weekly emails, they’re always really good.

Mary Mackenzie’s Weekly NVC Reflections – sign up here

Thom Bond runs an email course each year called The Compassion Course, it’s great.

Help with OFNR process – http://www.nvccommunicator.com/ – A website which helps you through the OFNR process, where you can click on the feelings and needs you want … and another one by Thom Bond, but that guides you through writing it down yourself.

Miki Kashtan, one of the world’s foremost NVC trainers, has made her NVC learning documents available via the gift economy – woot!! (That means you can pay whatever you like for them, including nothing)

Other (non-NVC) stuff that works for me

My depression site

Focusing 5 day email course

Gorgeous little guide to life, by Lisa Esile

Byron Katie‘s “The Work”

Radiant recovery – a diet for your mental health

The Enneagram system of personality typing

The Voice of Knowledge, by Don Miguel Ruiz and an except from it, The Liar That Lives In Your Head

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It, by Kamal Ravikant – short eBook, currently $2.99, add audio version for $2.99