You’re all signed up!

We’re having tech issues!

Someone’s let me know that the sign up process isn’t working properly right now – you might not receive the email – I’m so sorry. I’m working to fix it RIGHT NOW. Please contact me and let me know if you don’t receive the email, and I’ll sort it out manually.

Thank you!

Thanks for enrolling in my course! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact me!

You’ll now have received two emails from “Making Life More Wonderful” – one with your login name and password, and a purchase receipt for the course. Please contact me if you don’t receive them!

If you’re paying by bank transfer, I need to manually open the course up for you; I’ll do it ASAP and email you to let you know I’ve done that.

If you’ve paid via PayPal, you’re probably already logged in, and you can begin straight away. (If not, click on “login” in the menu above.)